INPUT file example for a INS calculation

new INS
atom Ho
ground_state   3d10   4f10   # define two shells as open, full shell core remains inactive
# end of mandatory inputs

# begin optional inputs, strongly recommended
scaler_xtal_field 0.62 # scale Xtal field charges to parametrize the ligand field
scaler_coulomb 1.0 # scale first principles matrix elements el-el interaction, for screening
scaler_so_coupling   1.0   # scale first principles matrix elements for S-O coupling for screening
temperature 15 # [K] Temperature
ins_broad 10.0 # [meV] Lorentzian lifetime broadening
spect_emin -15 # [meV] in the case ot INS, low end of spectrum
spect_emax +95 # [meV] in the case ot INS, high end of spectrum
xtal_file ligands_Ho1 # a point charge model file, nominal charges, large cutoff radius

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